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All schools are expected to publish their most recent attainment data.  

We are very proud of our results, which help to show the impact of our curriculum.  

Throughout the children's time at Parklands, they will be assessed at various points during the year to ensure all children are making progress.  There are a number of national assessment points that all schools partake in: including the end of reception assessments; the phonics screening check and the SATS assessments at the end of year 6.  These have been included below for your reference.  


At the end of Reception, children are expected to achieve what is described as a 'Good Level of Development'.

The National % is shown in brackets in the table below. 

Reception Good Level of Development  69% (67%)

Year 1

At the end of Year 1, children's knowledge and understanding of phonics is tested using national standardised tests.

The National % is shown in brackets in the table below. 

Year 1 Phonics  89% (79%)

End of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) outcomes

At the end of Year 6 children’s skills in Reading, Writing, English Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar, and Maths are again assessed using national Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs). 

The National % is shown in brackets in the table below. 


Expected Standard 

Greater Depth



71 % (74)

29 % (TBC)


73 % (72)

8 % (TBC)

Grammar Spelling & Punctuation

66 % (72)

16 % (TBC)


57 % (73)

15 % (TBC)


79 % (81)



Reading, Writing & Maths

53 % (61)

7 % (TBC)


Please click here to view the schools attainment and progress.