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At Parklands, we aim for our children to develop a love of learning enabling them to become lifelong learners.  Our children will achieve their best in a happy and safe environment, becoming confident and aspirational members of the school community and wider society.  We want our children to be the best that they can be!

Parklands Pillars

In order to achieve this, our curriculum is categorised into 4 key areas known as the Parkland Pillars.

Excellent Education
Healthy Learners
Community Minded
Future Ready


Excellent Education 

  • Have high expectations for all pupils to fully engage with their education to develop a lifelong love of learning. 
  • Encourage everyone to aim high and achieve their personal best and take pride in their successes.  Be the Best that you can be! 
  • Provide an engaging curriculum that adapts to the needs of our children; leading to outstanding progress and outcomes for all.
  • Inspire our children with a broad and balanced curriculum that makes meaningful links within a local, national and global context.
  • Encourage our children with a wealth of memorable and engaging experiences in and out of the classroom.

Healthy Learners 

  • Nurture the physical and emotional well-being of our children, providing a safe environment where they feel confident, happy and valued.
  • Encourage our children to find fulfilment in the friendships they make.   
  • Ensure our children know how to stay healthy on the inside and healthy on the outside.
  • Ensure our children develop an understanding of their feelings in a supportive and nurturing environment. 
  • Provide opportunities for our children to discover, develop and nurture their own talents and interests.
  • Ensure our children know how to stay safe in an ever-changing technical world.

Community Minded 

  • Provide a happy and safe environment where everyone is valued and feels listened to. 
  • Ensure our children show respect and tolerance for others.
  • Celebrate our differences and our individuality.
  • Develop respect for the school environment and the wider world.
  • Create a stimulating, vibrant learning environment which fosters inclusion and an exciting place for learning. 
  • Actively participate in our local community. 

Future Ready 

  • Encourage all children to have goals and ambitions for their future.
  • Encourage all children to be resilient problem solvers.
  • Encourage all children to be self-aware, self-motivated and self-disciplined.
  • Ensure all children are well-supported and prepared for their future.


Our Curriculum Overviews can be found below.  

For more information about our curriculum, please contact the office and ask to speak to a member of the senior leadership team.