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Gillian Keegan Visits Parklands

Gillian Keegan Visits Parkands

Parklands Community Primary School were visited by Gillian Keegan on Friday 9th February. Headteacher, Charlotte Angeli, and Chair of Governors, David Millican, showed Gillian around the school where she popped into classes and chatted with children and staff. Her tour ended with a visit to the school library where she was met by a few representatives from the School Council who asked her lots of pertinent questions about her job and her role as Education Secretary. One pupil was particularly interested what Gillian has personally achieved since becoming Education Secretary and what she is working on currently. Bertie from Y5, who had previously written to Gillian with his concerns over sewage asked again what was being done about cleaning up our waterways! Gillian was certainly put to the test!

On the day of Gillian’s visit, the children were in their own clothes to express themselves as part of celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week. The children spoke a lot about what the school does to promote mental well-being and Gillian’s visit at the end of that week was a timely opportunity for their voice to be heard by a member of parliament about the things that matter the most to them.